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Human Capital and Leadership Development

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Successful families understand they need to reach across generations to pull in those members who are committed to leading their family into the future. Cultivating those future leaders requires honest feedback, providing opportunities for development and ways for family and non-family members to assess them. It is vital to identify the strengths and gaps of potential leaders so that an individualized plan can be created to help family members feel confident in their ability to make a meaningful contribution to the family.

Families that allow for the full development of the human capital of each of their members are more likely to increase their family wealth.

Strong family enterprises are built by families who are able to foster the separateness of individual members while sustaining the connectedness to the family as a whole.


find your strategic voice

In this article for Family Business Magazine, Partner and Senior Consultant Carolyn Greenspon discusses how though there have been increasing opportunities for women to directly contribute to their family enterprises, there is still work to do to for them to be seen as leaders, and discusses strategies women can employ to increase their influence in meaningful ways. Read the Article>>

How Demographic Changes Impact Family Enterprises

Shifting demographics in the American family have a number of important implications for how families and their advisors think about and plan for family enterprise continuity. Carolyn Greenspon explores this in her article for Trusts and Estates. Read the Article>>

accidental partnerships

The next generation of family owners often unexpectedly and without planning become partners. As “accidental” partners, they have unique risks and challenges to manage. Rebecca Meyer delves into these accidental partnerships. Read the Article>>

An End to Parenthood?

Our experience working with wealthy families is that the model of parenting that focuses on happiness can’t, by definition, focus on self-responsibility and self-esteem—both necessary ingredients for creating self-reliant adults. Focusing on building the other aspects of wealth—the social, intellectual, emotional and spiritual—requires that parents set their sights on encouraging their children to mature from the inside out. Read the Article >>

Parenting, Privilege and Challenging Tomorrow’s Leaders

Successful business families can provide their children a sense of well-being and privilege, but in doing so are they sheltering them from adversity, or denying the next generation a golden opportunity to be challenged? Read the Article >>

Family Enterprise Leaders Need Extra Social Skills

“Emotional Intelligence” has been highlighted as a requirement for CEO’s. Family firms must redefine the term to encompass additional competencies. Read the Article >>

Case Studies

Executive coaching for family members

It was clear that the founder's son, Joe, was well on his way to running the furniture distributorship. However, several top salespeople and Joe's younger siblings resisted the idea. Read the Case Study >>


Due to a downswing in the economy, a family owned travel business was considering the necessity of laying off a significant number of long-term employees. Because many of their employees were also relatives, the owners of the company were deeply distressed about this decision, but knew they had to go ahead with it, if the company were to survive. Read the Case Study >>